What's New?
- [June 2024] Our paper on secure 5G and Wi-Fi coexistence is accepted to appear in IEEE TIFS. (Congrats to Sid!)
- [May 2024] Accepted to serve as a Technical Program Committee member for IEEE INFOCOM 2025 conference.
- [January 2024] Selected as a Distinguished Member on the TPC of the IEEE INFOCOM conference and an Outstanding Reviewer for VehicleSec Symposium!
- [December 2023] Our paper on defending against Deep Learning-based modulation classification attacks is accepted to appear in IEEE INFOCOM conference. (Congrats to Naureen!)
- [September 2023] Our paper on supporting transition to post-quantum authentication through optimizing the V2V spectrum is accepted to appear in NDSS conference. (Congrats to Geoff!)
- [September 2023] I started to serve as one of the Vice Chairs of the Special Interest Group for AI and Machine Learning in Security of the IEEE COMSOC Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks.
- [May 2023] Accepted to serve as a Technical Program Committee member for IEEE INFOCOM 2024, IEEE CNS 2023, and WiOpt 2023 conferences.
- [April 2023] Two papers on breaking modulation obfuscation and securing Wi-Fi connection establishment are accepted to appear in ACM WiSec conference. (Congrats to Naureen!)
- [February 2023] Our journal paper on Protecting 5G Sidelink Scheduling in C-V2X is accepted to appear in IEEE TWC. (Congrats to Geoff!)
- [February 2023] I received NSF CAREER Award ($600K) to investigate Reliable and Quantum-resistant Connected Vehicle Security!
- [August 2022] Our paper on Wi-Fi security and formal analysis accepted to appear in IEEE CNS'22 conference. (Congrats to Naureen!)
- [August 2022] Two papers on spectrum sharing security (one related to connected vehicle security) accepted to appear in IEEE GLOBECOM'22 conference. (Congrats to Sid!)
- [July 2022] The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cited our preliminary work on post-quantum (PQ) security for connected vehicle (V2V), presented at the 2021 PQC Standardization Conference, as a factor in their choices for standard PQ digital signature algorithms. See their full report here.
- [May 2022] Our $650K NSF ATE grant for Improving and Modernizing Training and Education for Machining Workforce is awarded!
- [April 2022] Accepted to serve as a Technical Program Committee member for IEEE CNS 2022 conference.
- [December 2021] Our paper, "Vehicle-to-Nothing? Securing C-V2X Against Protocol-Aware DoS Attacks," was accepted to appear in the IEEE INFOCOM 2022 conference. Congratulations Geoff!
- [August 2021] Geoff Twardokus is now a PhD student in WISP lab after successfully defending his Master's thesis.
- [June 2021] Our 3rd US patent application "A Method for Exploiting Preamble Waveforms to Support Device and Network Functionalities in Wireless Systems" was granted by USPTO.
- [May 2021] Two papers, one on connected vehicles security and one on preamble embedding in MIMO, accepted to appear in ACM WiSec'21 conference (congrats to Sid!) and IEEE TMC, respectively.
- [February 2021] Two papers on connected vehicles security accepted to appear in IEEE ICC'21 and IEEE CNERT'21 workshop (in conjucation with IEEE INFOCOM). Congratulations to Geoff!
- [Fall 2020] Accepted to serve as a TPC member in IEEE ICC'21, AutoSec'21 Workshop (in conjunction with NDSS), and NGMobile'21 Workshop (in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS).
- [December 2020] Our group moved into our new research lab (Faraday lab) within Global Cybersecurity Institute.
- [October 2020] Our novel V2Verifier testbed is receiving media coverage! Watch our interview with WROC-TV.
- [August 2020] Siddharth Dongre joined the team as a PhD student. Welcome Sid!
- [December 2019] Our paper "Expanding the Role of Preambles to Support User-defined Functionality in MIMO-based WLANs" accepted to appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2020 conference.
- [October 2019] Our second patent application "Systems and Methods for Securing Wireless Communications" was granted by USPTO.
- [August 2019] Naureen Hoque joined the team as a PhD student. Welcome Naureen!
- [August 2019] Accepted to serve as a TPC member in IEEE ICC'20, IEEE WCNC'20, and CCNC'20 conferences.
- [May 2019] Our paper "Lightweight Machine Learning for Efficient Frequency-Offset-Aware Demodulation" has been accepted for publication in IEEE JSAC special issue on Machine Learning in Wireless Communications, and was also added to the IEEE ComSoc Research Library of the ML for Communications ETI.
- [April 2019] My students' capstone project on Wi-Fi privacy was previewed on RIT website prior to appearing in ImagineRIT festival
- [January 2019] This Spring I teach Wireless Security (undergraduate level) after the course underwent a major update. The course includes SDR projects on LTE security, ZigBee security, and frequency hopping.
- [September 2018] Our patent application "Systems and Methods for Securing Wireless Communications" was granted by USPTO.
- [August 2018] I will be teaching a brand-new graduate course on Advanced Topics in Wireless Security. Course description and topics can be found here.
- [June 2018] IEEE ComSoc selected our paper "Exploiting Frame Preamble Waveforms to Support New Physical-Layer Functions in OFDM-Based 802.11 Systems" as a Tech Focus paper in Prototyping Wireless Networks.
- [May 2018] I received the IEEE INFOCOM 2018 Best-in-Session Presentation Award in technical session "Next Generation Cellular Networks". (see the presentation slides here)
- [May 2018] I received Seed Funding Award for the project Reliable Channel Coding for Security Parameters Exchange at the Physical Layer of Wireless Networks.
- [February 2018] Our paper "SecureMatch: Scalable Authentication and Key Relegation for IoT Using Physical-Layer Techniques" has been accepted by IEEE CNS 2018 conference.
- [January 2018] I joined Computing Security Department, Rochester Institute of Technology (
) as an Assistant Professor.
- [December 2017] Served on TPC of IEEE ICC 2018.
- [November 2017] Our paper "Adaptive Demodulation for Wireless Systems in the Presence of Frequency-Offset Estimation Errors" has been accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2018 conference.
- [August 2017] I moved to Virginia Tech Research Center (Arlington, VA).
- [March 2017] Our jamming attack paper "Exploiting Frame Preamble Waveforms to Support New Physical-Layer Functions in OFDM-Based 802.11 Systems" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Computing (TWC).
- [February 2017] Our team SpectrumWithoutBorders entered the DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge.
- [August 2016] I joined
(Blacksburg campus) as a Postdoctoral Associate under supervision of Professor Jerry Park.
- [July 2016] Our paper "Rolling Preambles: Mitigating Stealthy FO Estimation Attacks in OFDM-based 802.11 Systems" has been accepted by IEEE CNS 2016 conference.
- [June 2016] Right after my comencement, I started a career with WiCON Reseacrh group at The University of Arizona as a Senior Research Specialist.
- [May 2016] Our paper "Full Frame Encryption and Modulation Obfuscation Using Channel-independent Preamble Identifier" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS).
- [December 2015] I succesfully defended my PhD dissertation titled "Obfuscation of Transmission Fingerprints for Secure Wireless Communications" under supervision of Professor Marwan Krunz.
- [July 2015] Our secure routing paper "Supporting PHY-layer security in multi-link wireless networks using friendly jamming" has been accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 conference.
- [June 2015] Our jamming attack paper "Swift jamming attack on frequency offset estimation: The Achilles' Heel of OFDM systems" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).
- [April 2015] Our tutorial-styple paper "Secrecy beyond encryption: Obfuscating transmission signatures in wireless communications" has been now accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Magazine.